Sunshine And Summer Vibes – How To Make Your Visit To Bishop Awesome

Every season in Bishop provides unique opportunities on how to enjoy its big backyard. Autumn provides the longest fall color show in North America. In winter, you’ll spend your time playing in the warm sunshine and on its boulders. Spring is about experiencing the re-awakening of Mother Nature. And in summer, it’s enjoying the tranquil waters of alpine lakes, fishing its rivers, and exploring the high elevation peaks surrounding it. To help you make the most of it, here’s a couple tips on how to beat the summer heat and still get plenty of outdoor time.
Get Out Early Or Late
It’s true. Bishop can reach triple digits in the summer. But compared to other places with urban heat islands or tropical climates, you’ll always find times to enjoy the outdoors comfortably. Due to its high desert climate, the early morning temperatures are usually in the 60s, providing a perfect time to get out for a trail run or hike. And then as the sun sets, the temperatures quickly drop giving you the opportunity to dine Al Fresco. During the day you can always enjoy a matinee at the renovated Bishop Twin Theatre. And never forget a bowl of the most scrumptious frozen yogurt you’ve EVER had at Good Earth Yogurt And Wine Bar.
Go Up High
Another big plus is Bishop’s geography. Situated by two hulking mountain ranges on either side that rise to nearly 14,000 feet with road access up to 10,000 feet! Even on the warmest days the higher elevations can be as much as thirty degrees cooler. Walk amongst the oldest living things on Earth in the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest. Or take a leap into the refreshing Rock Creek Lake.
To get the most out of this time of year, be sure to visit our guide on how to enjoy your summer to the fullest in Bishop.