Goldwell Open Air Museum (Nevada)
It’s a museum, but in the open air. An incredible sculpture known as “The Last Supper” was created by the late Albert Szukalski, a Belgian-born artist renowned for his works that he called “Ghosts.” This life-sized sculpture is surreal and commanding in this vast desert area at the northern end of the Amargosa Valley, about 4-miles west of Beatty, NV. Numerous other large sculptures dominate the landscape, and a small art museum showcases paintings and other site artifacts. These modern art installations date from 1984 when Szukalski first created his sculpture to the present through the artists’ residency and workspace program offered in the onsite Red Barn Art Center.
Nearby, a relic of the past, Tom Kelly’s Bottlehouse built in 1905 is another intriguing feature of this spectacular upper Mojave desert landscape.