Best Father’s Day Ever – Big Backyard Fun

What do fathers want more than anything? It’s not another tool or a golf club. And definitely not a tie. Who wears those anymore? Every mountain man dad wants the same thing. To spend time with their family outdoors. So, instead of getting a gift that creates another chore for them, make Father’s Day the greatest. Plan a trip to our Big Backyard in Bishop and create some of the best memories ever.
Make Dad Feel Young Again
Kids always razz their dad about his age. That he’s older than dirt. He was alive when dinosaurs were around. Well, make him feel YOUNG again on Father’s Day and head to the Bristlecone Pine Forest. See the oldest living organisms on the planet, some living up to 5,000 years! That means they were around during the Roman Empire’s heyday and even when the pyramids were built. Or go for a hike, take in some falls, and even a bike ride. The list of summer activities in our big backyard is truly infinite.
Have Someone Else BBQ
Now that you’ve worked up an appetite, where should you go for lunch or dinner? For many dads, their favorite meal includes 3 letters: B-B-Q! Instead of going home and having him slave over the grill, head to one of our amazing BBQ places such as Holy Smoke Texas Style BBQ for ribs or Aaron Schat’s Roadhouse. Even if dad isn’t into BBQ, we have yet to meet one that doesn’t love dining outside, and Bishop is the king of Al Fresco dining. Enjoy the summer weather, let him sip on a cold beer, and just bask in the precious time he got to spend with his family.
Make this the year that you give dad something he wants for Father’s Day – some outside time. To help you get in the festive mood, here’s a dad joke you can tell on your adventures with him:
“If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?” “Pilgrims.”