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How to Pet a Mule (or a burro or a horse)

How to Pet a Mule (or a burro or a horse)

Drive just about any backroad near Bishop, California during the winter months and you’ll see herds of horses and mules out in pasture. Drive that same backroad during the summer and those pastures are likely to be empty, raising the question, “Where did...
A Guide to Mule Days – FOR KIDS!

A Guide to Mule Days – FOR KIDS!

Depending on your budget, Mule Days offers up an assortment of options so everyone can enjoy them. The beating heart of the week-long event is the fairgrounds. While the shows in the main arena require a ticket, the fairgrounds themselves are free to enter. Even if you don’t go to a show, we highly recommend visiting them with your youngins.

50th Anniversary of Mule Days in Bishop

50th Anniversary of Mule Days in Bishop

The Mule Days Celebration in Bishop is 50 years old this year! Come kick up your heels at the greatest Mule Show on Earth, May 21st – 26th, 2019. Mules are known to have more stamina, have greater patience, and live longer than horses. They require less food than a horse of similar size, are more independent, and can walk greater distances without rest. They are also said to have higher intelligence than a horse. All-in-all the mule has inherited the best of each of its equine parents. Learn about the history of this amazing animal and why it is so important to our national heritage and local culture. Learn about its significance in the Eastern Sierra, the great American west, and many places around the world. It’s all right here!

8 Great Family Adventures in the Eastern Sierra

8 Great Family Adventures in the Eastern Sierra

Photo: @autumnpaizley “I scream. You scream. We all scream for ice cream.” ~ Song Lyrics, 1927, by Howard Johnson, Billy Moll, and Robert King. When I was a child I was highly amused by this saying. I would run around saying it loudly – especially in the hopes that I...
Inside Bishop Mule Days: Viewed as a Volunteer

Inside Bishop Mule Days: Viewed as a Volunteer

To a Bishop Mule Days volunteer, Mule Days never really ends. Oh sure, everyone packs up and goes home, the fairgrounds hosts other events, and the seasons change, but Mule Days is always right around the corner. If you are like me, you have a pre-packed bin of Mule...
Idols of American Music at Mule Days

Idols of American Music at Mule Days

It’s true that here in the Eastern Sierra we idolize the steadfast and sturdy mule. This magnificent pack animal is, almost literally, the backbone of our western American heritage. We celebrate ‘the legacy, heritage and talents of the mule’ every Memorial Day weekend...

Mule Days

A world-class equestrian event promoting the legacy, heritage and talents of the mule. Intro For five days, every Memorial Day weekend, more than 30,000 fans from around the country (and the world) converge on Bishop for this colorful and fun festival. It is a...
5 Things to Know About Bishop Mule Days

5 Things to Know About Bishop Mule Days

Bishop Mule Days is right around the cornerWe’ve got some tips for navigating the biggest, brightest and best Mule Show in the country. Grab your boots and come on in.Number 1. Go Early, Go OftenMule Days stretches over almost a week, and many of the most...
4 Fabulous Photography Features

4 Fabulous Photography Features

Photography is a passion for many in the Eastern Sierra For those who live here or visit regularly photography is often a daily activity. Sometimes it’s just a momentary opportunity to snap a quick image. Other times it’s a commitment to time and place to capture a...
Road Trip: The Land of Est!

Road Trip: The Land of Est!

This is the land of est … the highest, the lowest, the largest, the saddest, the oldest, the greatest, the longest and perhaps other ests you may discover for yourself along the way. US Highway 395 from Lone Pine to Bishop – 60 miles US Highway 395 runs for 767-miles...


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